Actual SARS‐CoV‐2 isolate
Puradigm is the only purifier of its kind to have tested on the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The study was carried out independently by the University of Florida Department of Medicine in their BioSafety Level-3 Laboratory. The following results were obtained:
• 73% reduction after 15 minutes
• 94% reduction after 60 minutes
• 98% reduction after 4 hours
• Undetectable after 24 hours
The virus was placed on stainless steel coupons proving conclusively that Puradigm can reduce it not just in the air but on surfaces as well. Reducing the presence of surface bound virus is essential in maintaining a safe environment as according to the New England Journal of Medicine SARS-CoV-2 can survive in the air for approximately 1 hour but up to 72 hours on surfaces such as stainless steel. These results prove that Puradigm can have a significant impact on keeping people safe from COVID-19.
Paradigm has been tested and validated by over 60 independent laboratories, leading universities, and health organizations worldwide. Additional testing can be provided upon request.